
Update 1-2015

logo newNow with member growing and more joining every week its time to look at setting up the Association for DCCC you will here more on this over the next few month. we can not take any more member to the medical grow at this time as the membership is now full but we have started a waiting list and are looking at raising funds to expand the grows we are now geting ready for the summer


Read more Update 1 2015


blankUpdate 2-2015

With Doctors now prescribinposter test big 1g cannabis treatments in the UK, using the recently developed drug Sativex, and the law having always maintained that cannabis had no medical value – we now find ourselves asking the question of who has got it wrong? Is it that the Misuse of Drugs Act is wrong, or is it the rest of the world that is wrong?

However, we DO know that many GP’s in the UK are starting to tell their cancer patients to seek out D.C.O. before, in tandem with, or instead of conventional treatment methods. A good doctor will know that non-invasive treatment should be offered to all patients before any kind of invasive treatment is considered. If your doctor does not subscribe to this theory, then you have a bad doctor!

Read more Update 2 2015


Update 3-2015

Association for DCCC is underway papers have gone in this will take 3 to 6 months not a lot more we can do on that front until the paperwork returns.

Seeds hat

The test results are back and we did great and now know we are getting it right THC at 72% and 65% with high CBD this test was pulled out by the man at Cana labs as being an exhalant medical oil also made a little video of oil being decard at the right temppirsher this little bit of video proves that oil decarded at less that 100c will still have THCA and could never get to 95% full story to come soon.

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Read more Update 3 2015


Update 4.0

MEDICINAL 212 months ago on the 1st of April the day of the fool 12.05 hr we started the communal medical grow here in Spain, thanks to Alacannabis.

It was a crazy time we were being told by one Association that we could not grow cannabis, as it may be against the law and they could not even help others grow and that if we wanted to do that they could not have anything to do with it. I for one could not believe what I was hearing after all the time and money that’s been put into getting things set up to do just that GROW CANNABIS, MAKE IT IN TO OIL, PUT IT IN THE HANDS OF THEM THAT NEED IT, simple. I still think it could be where we are from and the risks we are willing to take in this life that makes things happen.

Read more Update 4 2015


2 Responses to Updates

  1. susan says:

    Awesome work .. Much to.read

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